Article collection "Mathematical Problems of Cybernetics" №6, Moscow, 1996
Authors:Nosovskii G.V., Fomenko A.T.
Mathematical-statistical models for distribution of information in historical chronicles
The paper is devoted to the analysis of historical chronicles from the point of view of discovering dependent and independent texts. The historical texts are called dependent if they describe the same events in some historical epoch and are called independent otherwise. As a consequence, these methods allows us to calculate the dates of some old historical texts using the correct datings of the chronicles, whose datings are strongly established and are located in the epoch of 13-19 centuries A.D. It turns our that the application of these methods also allows us to establish the correct chronology (which is usually called today as New Chronology) of many ancient and medieval events. In particular, we correct the serious chronological errors which were made by medieval chronologists of 15-17 centuries A.D.
mathematical methods, datings of events, historical chronicles, dependent and independent chronicles, New Chronology