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Synopsis, Moscow, 2019
On the degree of: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Specialty: 01.02.01 - theoretical mechanics
Dissertation council: Д 002.024.01
Author: Baranov A.A.
Development of methods for calculating the parameters of spacecraft maneuvers in the vicinity of a circular orbit
The aim of the thesis is to build a theory of optimal maneuvering in near-circular orbits, which defines the possible types of optimal solutions and their areas of existence for the main problems encountered in practical work. Development of numerical and analytical methods for determining the parameters of maneuvers for each of the possible types of optimal solutions. The extension of these methods to solving the problem of meeting a long duration when there is a significant difference in the longitude of the ascending node at the initial and final orbits. Creation of new high-speed methods for calculating maneuvers for maintaining a given configuration of satellite systems.
spacecraft, satellite systems, non-coplanar orbits, spacecraft maneuvering tasks
Publication language: russian,  pages: 40
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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About authors:
  • Baranov Andrey Anatolyevich,  KIAM RAS