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Inkov L. V.

2002 year
1.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 47, Moscow, 2002
Authors: Inkov L.V.
Title: Calculation of Selfconsistent Electrostatic Field in Kinetic Simulation of Dusty Plasma.

1999 year
2.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 52, Moscow, 1999
Authors: Inkov L.V., Levchenko V. D., Sigov Yu.S.
Title: PIC 3D Kinetic Code for Dusty Plasma Modeling

1995 year
3.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 133, Moscow, 1995
Authors: Inkov L.V., Levchenko V. D.
Title: Optimization of PIC Method in the SUR Code via Object-Oriented Plasma Model.