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Sheina Natalya Petrovna

2016 year
1.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 72, Moscow, 2016
Authors: Polilova T. A., Sheina N. P.
Title: Representation of results of a dissertation research

2000 year
2.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 20, Moscow, 2000
Authors: Abramova V. A., Vershubskii V.Yu., Pozdnyakov L.A., Khramtsov M.Yu., Sheina N. P.
Title: GNS Programming System. Technology of Source Text Programs Processing in Unix Environment for MVS-1000 Complex (User Manual).

1999 year
3.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 36, Moscow, 1999
Authors: Abramova V. A., Vershubskii V.Yu., Pozdnyakov L.A., Khramtsov M.Yu., Sheina N. P.
Title: MPI-MVS-100 Programming System Technology of Source Text Programs Processing in MS DOS Environment.

1998 year
4.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 61, Moscow, 1998
Authors: Abramova V. A., Vershubskii V.Yu., Pozdnyakov L.A., Khramtsov M.Yu., Sheina N. P.
Title: GNS Programming System. Configurer. User Manual.

1998 year
5.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 28, Moscow, 1998
Authors: Abramova V. A., Vershubskii V.Yu., Gorelik A. M., Pozdnyakov L.A., Tiyova T.I., Fisun V.A., Khramtsov M.Yu., Sheina N. P.
Title: GNS Programming System. Fortran GNS Language Description.

1998 year
6.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 27, Moscow, 1998
Authors: Abramova V. A., Vershubskii V.Yu., Gorelik A. M., Lapygin A.E., Pozdnyakov L.A., Tiyova T.I., Fisun V.A., Khramtsov M.Yu., Sheina N. P.
Title: GNS Programming System. C GNS Language Description.

1997 year
7.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 71, Moscow, 1997
Authors: Abramova V. A., Vershubskii V.Yu., Gorelik A. M., Pozdnyakov L.A., Tiyova T.I., Fisun V.A., Khramtsov M.Yu., Sheina N. P.
Title: GNS Programming System Technology of Fortran GNS and C GNS Source Texts Processing in MS DOS Environment.

1997 year
8.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 64, Moscow, 1997
Authors: Abramova V. A., Vershubskii V.Yu., Gorelik A. M., Pozdnyakov L.A., Tiyova T.I., Fisun V.A., Khramtsov M.Yu., Sheina N. P.
Title: GNS Programming System. C GNS Language Description.

1997 year
9.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 59, Moscow, 1997
Authors: Abramova V. A., Vershubskii V.Yu., Gorelik A. M., Pozdnyakov L.A., Tiyova T.I., Fisun V.A., Khramtsov M.Yu., Sheina N. P.
Title: GNS Programming System. Fortran GNS Language Description.

1984 year
10.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 175, Moscow, 1984
Authors: Vershubskii V.Þ., Sheina N.Ï.

1979 year
11.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 13, Moscow, 1979
Authors: Âàñèëüêîâà Ò.Ô., Vershubskii V.Þ., Çåëåíèíà Ë.À., Mikhelev V.M., Sheina N.Ï.