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Ustyugov S. D.

2012 year
1.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 64, Moscow, 2012
Authors: Elizarova T. G., Ustyugov S.D., Istomina M. A.
Title: A quasi-gas dynamic algorithm for the numerical solution of shallow water equations for magnetic hydrodynamics

2011 year
2.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 30, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Elizarova T. G., Ustyugov S.D.
Title: Quasi-gas dynamic algorithm of solution of magnetohydrodynamic equations. Multidimensional case

2011 year
3.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 1, Moscow, 2011
Authors: Elizarova T. G., Ustyugov S.D.
Title: Quasi-gas dynamic algorithm of solution of magnetohydrodynamic equations. One dimensional case.

2007 year
4.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 81, Moscow, 2007
Authors: Ustyugov S.D., Popov M. V.
Title: Piecewise Parabolic Method on Local Stencil. V. 3D Isothermal Turbulence.

2007 year
5.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 11, Moscow, 2007
Authors: Ustyugov S.D., Popov M. V.
Title: Piecewise parabolic method on local stencil. IV. Multidimensional ideal MHD.

2006 year
6.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 78, Moscow, 2006
Authors: Ustyugov S.D., Popov M. V.
Title: Piecewise parabolic method on local stencil. III. 1D ideal MGD.

2006 year
7.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 71, Moscow, 2006
Authors: Ustyugov S.D., Popov M. V.
Title: Piecewise parabolic method on local stencil. II. Gasdynamics equations.

2006 year
8.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 65, Moscow, 2006
Authors: Ustyugov S.D., Popov M. V.
Title: Piecewise parabolic method on local stencil. I. Advection equation and Burgers' equation.

1999 year
9.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 70, Moscow, 1999
Authors: Suslin V.M., Ustyugov S.D., Chechetkin V. M., Churkina G.P.
Title: The Simulation of the Evolution of the Neutrino Distribution in a Region with Varying Parameters. (Homogeneous, isotropic approximation.)

1998 year
10.  KIAM Preprint ¹ 70, Moscow, 1998
Authors: Suslin V.M., Ustyugov S.D., Churkina G.P.
Title: The Modelling of the Evolution of the Neutrino Distribution in the Expanding Area . (Homogeneous, isotropic approximation.)