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Bulletin "Asteroid-comet hazard", Moscow, 2014
Bulletin № 14-7 (4), 7th lunation of 2014
Statistical and analytical information about the asteroid-comet hazard (ACH) in the near-Earth space are presented. Bulletin includes the generalized statistics of astrometric measurements of the Solar System's small bodies, and positional measurements by telescopes of ISON network as well. The separate attention is paid to calculation and the detailed analysis of superclose approach of near-Earth objects with Earth. Besides trajectory information on dangerous space objects, detailed information under the conditions of their detection, including on time of anticipation of discovery is provided, it is important for development of strategy of parrying the ACH threat. Results of photometric observations of near-Earth asteroid (NEA) by the ISON network, as well as information about radar research of the NEA are given.
Asteroid-comet hazard; ACH; near-Earth asteroid; NEA
Publication language: russian,  pages: 19
Research direction:
Theoretical and applied problems of mechanics
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